地方語史研究資料として見た学習記録 : 臨江山地蔵寺蔵「孟子聞録」を例として
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Traditionally a study about the history of the vernacular has hardly been developed except for some regions because the literature that reflects colloquial words and linguistic phenomena of slang in a concerned region is limited and consequently only fragmentary materials can be gained. Therefore it is crucial that new literature and materials should be discovered in order to promote the study about the history of the vernacular. In this article the author follows the procedure below and argues that in the learning notes produced by people in the Edo period a collection of new materials that is potentially useful research data for the study about the history of the vernacular. First, the author considers the problems in dealing with the learning notes as research materials of the study about the history of the vernacular. Second, the author focuses on "Mousibunroku", which belongs to Rinkouzan Jizouji Temple, and he shows that it can be a useful material to consider the vernacular of Tokushima in the latter period of Edo. Finally, on the basis of this consideration the author provides the prospects of development and discovery of a group of the learning notes that can be useful for the study about the history of the vernacular.
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- 地方語史研究資料として見た学習記録 : 臨江山地蔵寺蔵「孟子聞録」を例として
- 鴨島小学校旧蔵『日本外史訓蒙』墨筆書き入れ注釈
- 徳島県で発見された角筆文献
- 穂久邇文庫本「明惠上人傳」
- 共同授業 (TT) による「国語学特論I」の実践
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- 正福寺蔵『法華會義』角筆点について
- 臨江山地蔵寺蔵『顕密書籍目録』について