- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reprints the notes by ink brush on the book titled "Nihon-Gaishi-Kinmo" (Introduction to the Unofficial History of Japan), which has been owned by Kamojima Elementary School. YAMAGUCHI Yoshizo, born in August 1867 (the 9th year of Meiji Period) served the director of Kamiura Church of Kurozumi-Kyo, a sect of Shinto, at Kamiura-Kamojima-cho in Tokushima Prefecture. He passedaway in October 1959 (the 34th year of Showa Period) at the age of 84. When Yamaguchi studied "Nihon-Gaishi" (An Unofficial History of Japan) in the years of 1881 (the 23rd year of Meiji Period) to 1887 (the 29th year of Meiji Period), he wrote in the notes in ink brush on the book, "Nihon-Gaishi-Kinmo". When the words used in the notes are examined, one observes many colloquial speech phenomena, which are believed to reflect Tokushima dialect in the twenties of Meiji Period. Because the literature or documents concerning Tokushima Dialect before the twenties of Meiji Period is scarce, this document is a valuable material to study Tokushima Dialect in those days.
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