The Cognitive Orientation of Museum (COM) Model for Museum Novices
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Learning in museums is considered that visitors construct their original knowledge or experiences through museum objects as learning resources. However, it is said that they need museum literacy to interpret them, and such literacy is not an innate but acquired ability from their previous knowledge and experiences. Unfamiliar visitors tend to fail museum learning because of their lacks of the literacy. Therefore, museums should compensate their shortages to develop their learning, but the way has yet to be revealed. This study aims to propose a way to support museum visitors to construct an interpretive framework for studying objects. We analyzed what kind of information constitutes museum literacy by reference to the previous researches. According to this analysis, we outlined a pedagogical process model named as the Cognitive Orientation of Museum and developed a learning material based on the COM to investigate this effect on an actual museum experience. We investigated the effects through a comparative experiment between the COM material and the other interpretative material. As a result, the COM model showed the positive effects on the users' museum learning.
奥本 素子
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
KATO Hiroshi
The Open University of Japan
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