- 論文の詳細を見る
As a means of preventing termite invasions in buildings, termite shields are fairly effective when employed in houses, and it is meaningless to favour metal, especially copper plates as a material for termite shields (YAMANO, 1979; 1983). Therefore, a series of experiments to examine the termite-proof effect of plastic termite shield containing insecticides were made using Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in the field. The present investigation was undertaken to determine which insecticide is most effective and suitable as a toxic additive to plastic termite shield (EVA plate). The experimental results obtained were as follows: (1) In the experiments on the termite-proof effect of termite shields, three insecticides, chlordane (6 PHR), carbaryl (5 PHR) and dieldrin (2 PHR) were most effective of tested eleven insecticides. (2) When carbaryl was used together with creosote oil (20 PHR), it seems that there is no need of increasing it to more than 1 PHR. (3) Neither copper naphthenate (8 PHR) nor prothiofos (5 PHR) were effective in preventing a termite invasion, in the case of the addition to plastic plate together with creosote oil (20 PHR). (4) It is presumed that prothiofos (10 PHR) and fenitrothion, tributyltin-chloride, MTMC and BPMC (3 PHR respectively) are effective as insecticide additive to plastic termite shield. But these insecticides need to be reexamined in the future. (5) Dieldrin (2 PHR) was most effective among the insecticides used in this experiment. However, as a chemical for termite control, the use of dieldrin has been prohibited in Japan. (6) From the above mentioned results, the conclusion was reached that chlordane (6 PHR), carbaryl (5 PHR) and carbaryl (1 PHR) and creosote oil (20 PHR) are most desirable as chemical additives to EVA sheet among the insecticides tested in the experiment.
- 日本家屋害虫学会の論文
- 1984-11-30
- コンクリートの防蟻処理に関する研究(薬剤)
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