- 論文の詳細を見る
Adults of different species of the genus Papilio can easily be mated by hand-pairing. The data on egg hatching rate, adult formation and F1 fertility in these interspecific hybrids show notable variations according to the crosses. By means of these data, values of a differentiation index for each cross were calculated. These estimates of genetic distance were then used to study the phylogenetic relationships of the species concerned. The first paper on this problem was published in 1979 in Systematic Entomology. Since then the writer is continuing the study of interspecific and intersubspecific hybridization in Papilio. Many new data were obtained and some of them were published in general or speicies group. Although accumulated data were not enough to find the limit of hybrid formation and neither were they enough to establish an ideal differentiation index, the writer wishes to analyze phylogenetic relations of the genus Papilio using an improved differentiation index with taking into account genetic differences of immature and mature stages of species and hybrids. This time data will be introduced on the subspecific levels in Asia and specific level for South America and Africa including the genus Chilasa.
- 2010-06-30
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