Communicative strategies used in the high school textbooks
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Learning of the way of communication is being taught in senior high schools as one of the part of English lessons in the school curriculum. In the textbooks used in both junior high school and senior high schools, communication strategies are used especially in the materials of dialog or conversation. In this paper, seventeen textbooks being now used in high schools throughout the country are analyzed from the points of how the CS (communication strategies, in short) are dealt with in the course of lessons. This is the 4th and final edition of the series of studies concerning communication strategies taught at school education in Japan. The first paper covered how CS has been studied to adjust itself in school curriculum. In the second paper the junior high school textbooks were analyzed from the point of CS. The third examined the entrance examinations to high schools on the view of the CS questions in each test.
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- Communicative strategies used in the high school textbooks
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