- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently the population of personal watercraft users has increased rapidly, and performances of personal watercraft are much improved especially in speed and power. A hull of personal watercraft is made of S.M.C. in general, which is one of laminated composite materials. S.M.C. is short for Seat Molding Compound. Personal watercraft is inspected by the 'Special Rules for Personal Watercraft' in Japan, but the current inspection rules were established when performance of personal watercraft was not high yet. There are no studies to help to examine whether personal watercraft have enough strength to endure the usage at the current high speeds and by high powers. Structural analyses are needed to review the current inspection rules. Structural analyses of personal watercraft were carried out using FEM analysis. Load conditions were the case of drop test of 2.5m height, and the cases of running states in waves. Bending tests for the boat have been conducted to compare experimental results with calculated ones. Results are as follows: a) The maximum stress value of the drop test and running states are considerably smaller than ultimate stress, and sufficient strength margins are left in both states. b) The stress value of the drop test is about 2 times larger than those in running states, and present inspection rules may cover the high speed running states of current personal watercraft. c) As no stress concentration is observed on the hull and stress values are small on those load conditions, tested model has reasonable structural designs. d) Deflection modes of the hull are same as those of F.R.P. boats, which absorb energy of wave load mainly by the local deflection nearby the loaded area.
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