- 論文の詳細を見る
In many transient vibration problems of structures subjected to impact, damping is usually one of the most important factors to evaluate the accurate dynamic response. Damping forces acted on a structure are, however, frequently different in localities. For example, a locally submerged offshore tower may be subjected to different damping forces on its non-submerged part, submerged part and tower-foundation interface boundary respectively. For purpose of dynamic response analysis, a structure has been commonly idealized by a discrete system consisting of a set of masses, springs and dashpots. On this idealization, however, it is necessary that the structure must be divided into a number of smaller elements to obtain accurate results using either modal analysis or step-by-step integration method. On the other hand, the dynamic slope deflection method obtained from the solution of the differential equation of free vibration of a beam has the excellent accuracy for the analysis of free vibration of framed structures. It is the purpose of this paper to propose a method for introducing damping forces into the dynamic slope deflection method and to examine the dynamic response of a offshore tower considering locally different damping forces acted on it. In calculation of a numerical model, it is revealed how the response is influenced when off-diagonal elements of a damping matrix which is derived in the procedure of analysis are neglected.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1980-03-20
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