- 論文の詳細を見る
We have had some reports of the Western Reseach Commitee of Ship Structure concerning with the damages of cracks, on the stiffened bulkhead at the neighbours of the joint with stiffeners. One of the causes of these damages is the fatigue fracture which is caused by the vibration of the plate, associated with the torsional and bending vibration of the stiffeners. To make this cause clear, we have to know the stress distribution on the stiffener when it is vibrating. In a preparation of this attempt, this report shows the natural frequencies and stress distribution of the beam, both ends are free supported, and attached with the added mass of angle section corresponding to the cross section of the stiffener, by applying the dynamical equation of slope deflection method. We defined the following three nondimentional parameters, K_M=m_s/m_b, K_R=Θ_A/(m_bl^2), K_G=(m_sy_A)/(m_bl) where, m_s: mass of the added body, m_b: mass of beam at the length l, l: corresponding to the stiffener space, Θ_A: mass moment of inertia of added mass around the joint, y_A: eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the added mass at horizontal direction. These value of the actual vesseles are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. For four examples, shown in Table 1, the eigenvalue βS calculated are shown in Fig. 6 and mode and stress distribution is shown in Fig. 7〜Fig. 10. This made it possible to conclude that: 1. For the K_M and K_R corresponding to the ordinary stiffened structure of the vessel, in the first and the second mode, added mass acts as the concentrated load and concentrated moment respectively, and in the third or more mode, will be almost fixed. 2. Accordingly the stresses produced at the neighbours of joint is considerably large. 3. Assuming the fatigue limit as σ_F=22kg/mm^2, when the maximum dynamical stress of the vibrating beam is that fatigue limit, the ratio of the maximum deflections of the beam to the stiffener space are 2.88×10^<-2>〜7.25×10^<-2>, 7.00×10^<-2>〜2.0×10^<-2>, 4.0×10^<-3>〜7.7×10^<-3> for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd mode, respectively, as shown in Table 2. 4. But the assumed fatigue limit is the value in the ideal condition, and so this value will decrease to 1/2〜1/3 in the actual conditions, considering the shape factor, the change in quality of materials by welding and the influence of corrosion. Thus it is conceivable that the fatigue fracture of the stiffened plate may be caused by local vibration of ship. We are now analyzing the dynamical stress distribution at free vibration of the beams having many added masses, and the actual stiffened plate. We will report in the next papers.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1967-02-28
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