- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we investigated an advantage of the finite difference lattice Boltzmann method (FDLBM) to direct numerical simulations of sound propagation including scattering by a body. In order to incorporate, monopole sound source into the flow, a new FDLB formulation was proposed using the Chapman-Enskog expansion. We calculated the acoustic scattering problem around a circular cylinder using the FDLBM discretized by non-compact finite difference scheme which is faster than compact finite difference scheme. The results agreed with both the exact solution and the accurate calculation by the macroscopic equations based on the discretizations of compact finite difference scheme. As a result, the FDLBM was proved to have a merit to a calculation of sound propagation. Also, we estimated error of the FDLBM in the acoustic pulse problem.
- 2010-05-25
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