鞭毛虫 Amyloodinium ocellatun の性状解析と薬剤処理による駆除方法の検討
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The dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum is a harmful parasite of cultured marine fishes, causing high mortalities at aquarium and aquaculture facilities. Until now, there is no method for expulsion of parasitic trophonts and effective parasiticidal drugs for A. ocellatum. In the present study, the biological characters of A. ocellatum cysts at low temperature treatment were investigated. In addition, several parasiticidal treatment using drugs and antibiotics against A. ocellatum cysts were tested. The excysting rate of non-division cyst was markedly decreased by preservation at 4℃ for 2 weeks. The cell division of cyst was arrested by storage at 10 and 15℃, however, these preserved cysts began dividing when water temperature was elevated to 25℃, resulting in more than 80% of excystment. Both cell division of cysts and excystation of A. ocellatum were completely inhibited by lasalocid and alcian blue at final concentrations of 1 mg/L and 30 mg/L, respectively. To investigate parasiticidal effect of lasalocid against A. ocellatum that infected tiger puffer, drug bath treatment using lasalocid was tested. All fish in the control (non-treated) died after 7 days, while those treated for 8 h with lasalocid (3 mg/L) survived for 15 days, and no trophonts on the gills were detected.
菅 向志郎
阪倉 良孝
萩原 篤志
藤崎 優太
峯 裕也
峯 謙二
高見 生雄
萩原 篤志
阪倉 良孝
萩原 篤志
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