短期大学における感染症の健康管理について : 新型インフルエンザA(/H1N1)感染予防の取り組みから
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In late years, the mass outbreak of the "measles" patient was conveyed in the universities of Kanto area mainly, and it caused the closure of school successively.Through the spread of this measles, the preventive correspondence to infectious disease, such as antibody inspection and vaccination, came to be demanded in not only children but also university students.New influenza A (H1N1) which occurred in Mexico in this March speeded all over the world, and WHO declared the caution as six phase of pandemic on June 12, 2009.The virus was brought into island Japan equally in the beginning of May, and the infection opens now for eight months.We had the report of the infecte in our college in the beginning of September and a few outbreaks were watched, but afterwards it doesn't lead to the closure of school.In the spot of group education, the safe management and the crisis control predicting various infections is demanded today.So, we looked back on the precaution of infectious disease in this college and considered about the making of system which corresponds to more demand for new infectious diseases.In late years, as for the outbreak of infectious disease in the school, such as revival of tuberculosis, group lunch infection by O157 and SARS of new infectious disease etc., the correspondence to the crisis control became the important matter of the school.
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