性教育とHPVワクチン予防接種 : 今日的な女性の健康を守るために重要なこと
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The German Dr. Housen discovered that uterine cervix cancer was one of the viral infectious diseases in 1983, and the vaccine for uterine cervix cancer was made in 2006. The vaccination is authorized in our country in 2009, and it is expected in late years that the vaccine will enable to prevent from increasing patients of age 20〜30 women. It is said that the number of autonomy, which performing public assistance of vaccination costs, are increasing from 2011 and the HPV vaccination will be encouraged by administrative advice.However, it is considered that there is a different meaning from other vaccinations for the students, who are age for HPV vaccination in school. From June to July in 2010, the publicity of the HPV vaccination was examined through the students around us, and the result was that the spread of knowledge was required with the encouragement of the vaccination in future, and it became clear that the developmental age of mind and body, and psychological support were demanded for the health care about female genital.In addition, the HPV infection is related with the sexual behavior of the youth, and it is considered that the knowledge and power for the action choice, including the prevention from the sexually transmitted disease, is demanded in an educational front today.
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