養護教諭に必要な医療的ケア : 短期大学における看護学実習
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In late years, the children who are required the particular support became a big issue.We think that in its background, there is the increase of children needing medical care in a general school, and the most of them are needing the action of medical care, such as absorption of the phlegm, self withdrawing of urine and the tubal feeding, and these cause embarrassment of teacher whether or not it is possible for the action of the medical care.We think today, so it is going to be placed these medical actions as a new role of the Yogo teacher, teacher will be required the recognition for the medical action.However, now, these educations and trainings of medical care are not established for the students aiming for teacher and teachers yet.Therefore, In this study , through "the guide learning" as one of the way of educational method about the training of the medical care, we tried to grasp the evidence of the promotion of the student's learning will and needs for school nurse.We analyzed the obtained result, through the accomplishment degree of nursing training I, and clarified the effectiveness and problem of "the guide learning" in the medical care.
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