共生思想の基盤をめぐる地下水脈 : エドワード・カーペンターの内発的発展論
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The main objective of this research study will be to examine the theories of internally generated development as one of the points on which there is contact between the ideas of Sanshiro Ishikawa and Edward Carpenter. The thought of Ishikawa, as evident in "Domin Seikatsu Shiso"(Thought of Native Life), which was a translation of "democracy" suggested by E. Carpenter, points to many negatives in contemporary materialistic civilization to ask basic questions and from that perspective, seek reform of the ongoing crises in the world, most importantly the destruction of the environment. In the thought of Ishikawa, we see the influence of Edward Carpenter. Through an examination of the comparative intellectual history of both men, this research study will take an independent look into the effect that western European criticism of contemporary civilization had on the intellectual history of modern Japan. Carpenter was keenly aware that nature was entering a critical state, and he questioned the one-dimensional nature of this ideal of progress in the forward thrust of modernization. The age in which he lived was one in which clouds had begun to form over the optimism previously felt about qualitative progress in the reality of human life compared to the acceleration of forward progress in civilization's size. It was a time when the change in the paradigm of our existence from an open to a closed thread was beginning to remove the ideal of progress from the stage. Humanistic nature lost its absolute character and had been removed from the human feeling of an existence in reality and the human as absolute, and there was no longer any opportunity to put the brakes on these feelings even within the self.
- 2008-03-31
- 先駆的共生思想の形成過程 : エドワード・カーペンターにみる「自然と人為」
- 内発的発展論の思想的基盤 : ミルソープ時代のエドワード・カーペンターをめぐって
- 共生思想の基盤をめぐる地下水脈 : エドワード・カーペンターの内発的発展論
- 先駆的共同体論の基底 : エドワード・カーペンターをめぐって (聖学院大学チャペル完成記念論文集)
- 先駆的共同体論の基底 : エドワード・カーペンターをめぐって(II)
- エドワード・カーペンターの共同体再編への試論
- 内発的発展論の比較思想的考察 : エドワード・カーペンターと石川三四郎の思想的接点をめぐって (II)
- 「養芽論」における内発的発展論 : エドワード・カーペンターと石川三四郎の思想的接点をめぐって(I) (聖学院大学創立10周年記念論文集)
- エドワード・カーペンターにおける調和的社会論 : 近代文明批判の一視点
- エドワード・カーペンターにおける協同思想の試み : オーエニズムの影響をめぐって