- 論文の詳細を見る
The paper employs content to examine the coverage and treatment of gender rep-resentations shown in Japanese civics textbooks used in junior high schools between 1981 and 2005. The main question that this paper seeks to examine is whether there are gender discrepancies between those found in Japanese textbooks and those found in society. Con-tent analysis provides (1) significance of gender representations in the labor force and in the family, (2) significance of gender representations by occupational classifications, and (3) significant changes in gender representations over the years. The results of this study demonstrate insignificant representation of women except for the household setting, a pref-erence for socio-economically higher occupational groups, and the staus quo ante of gen-der representations since the 1980s as compared to women in actual society. The findings are discussed in terms of the curricular perspectives, and implications for the realities of gender in the labor force and family are explored.
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