- 論文の詳細を見る
Mass extinction event at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary (65.5Ma) is characterized by the simultaneous disruption in global carbon cycling. Multiple stable carbon isotope profiles in both marine and terrestrial sedimentary sequences have revealed detailed recovery patterns from the perturbations of marine and ocean surface-atmosphere carbon reservoirs. Recent studies suggest a close linkage between carbon cycle recovery and ecosystem diversification in the ocean; but the roles of the exogenic carbon cycle on the terrestrial environment and ecosystem still remain unclear. The leaf wax n-alkanes in the K-P boundary sequence exhibit variations in their molecular distribution and/or isotopic composition associated with the climatic changes, and thus, are a useful proxy for accessing paleoterrestrial environment and also a key of revealing its relation to the carbon cycle perturbation at that time.
- 日本有機地球化学会の論文
- 2008-12-30
長谷川 卓
山本 真也
長谷川 卓
金沢大 大学院自然科学研究科
山本 真也
Yamamoto Shinya
Institute Of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University
- Paleoenvironmental significance of compound-specific δ13C variations in n-alkanes in the Hongyuan peat sequence from southwest China over the last 13 ka
- 第434次 国際地層対比計画 タイ王国・カラシン国際シンポジウム報告
- S-109 フランス,ボコンチアン堆積盆地の海洋無酸素事変OAE1bパキール層の高分解能解析((13)温室期の気候変動,口頭発表,シンポジウム)
- Environmental influences over the last 16 ka on compound-specific δ13C variations of leaf wax n-alkanes in the Hani peat deposit from northeast China
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- 日本における中期白亜紀OAE研究の現状と将来 (総特集 現在と過去の無(貧)酸素環境(下)比較研究の必要性)
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- A global carbon-isotope event in the Middle Turonian (Cretaceous) sequences in Japan and Russian Far East
- IGCP434 第 3 回シンポジウム「白亜紀の炭素循環と生物多様性」 (中華人民共和国チベット自治区, ラサ) 参加報告
- 白亜紀の海洋無酸素事変(OAE1b)の高分解能解析 (古海洋学の最近の進展と古生物学--地球史における海洋環境研究の最前線)
- 北海道及び極東ロシア地域における上部白亜系の陸源有機炭素同位体比層序
- 白亜紀の炭素循環と生物多様性の変動
- O-297 奔別地域の下部白亜系蝦夷層群とその古生物地理学的意義 (地質学会第106年学術大会講演要旨名古屋市,1999年10月)
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- 寒冷化を始めた温室地球環境の解明--IODPによる宮城県沖掘削の意義と問題点 (総特集 深海掘削と新しい地球生命科学--ODPの成果とIODPの展望) -- (3章 IODPへの掘削提案の科学的な背景)
- Compound-specific stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of n-alkanes in urban atmospheric aerosols from Tokyo
- Stable hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes in atmospheric aerosols from Okinawa, Japan(Advances in molecular and stable isotope studies among the organic geochemical and related communities (Part II))
- P-52 手取層群に含まれる含硫黄芳香族炭化水素(10. 地域地質・地域層序,ポスター発表,一般講演)