- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study we practiced assertion training in groups, which was one of the social skill trainings, conducted on the psychiatric outpatients' group. Throughout the eight sessions, it was found that there were three phases for the acquirement of assertive skills. These were, ① promotion of self-understanding, ② acquirement for theright to assertion, and ③ acquirement of the skills. The patients, who had a low self-esteem and high stress level to others, gave priority to reduce their stress onto others and promote their self-understanding through grasping their own feelings and state. On the other hand, some patient's became more aggressive to others due to the fact that the right of assertion exceeded any other reaction. This showed that each patient had his/her own characteristic and they had different ways to attain assertiveness. Therefore there are various ways to approach this and the changes could be made by any of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects. Furthermore in this training certified co-leaders held multiple roles. Mainly it was related to individual cares such as talking to each member before the session and one-on-one assistance during the interval. It was revealed that these cares had been working to reduce the patients' tension and to keep them motivated to the session.
- 2009-12-04
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