- 論文の詳細を見る
投稿論文はじめに1. 幼・少年期(十五,六歳まで)2. 青年期(十五,六歳から三十五,六歳まで)3. 壮年期(三十五,六歳から五十歳前後まで)4. 熟年期(五十歳前後から七十九歳まで)5. 仁斎の生涯に纏わる補論In this paper I have attempted to describe the outline of the life and educational activity of Ito Jinsai. And to describe Jinsai's life I apply two methods to clarify the meaning of this attempt. One is that in this paper I have described Ito Jinsai's life on the basis of the unpublished manuscripts and documents which are in the Kogido Bunko at Tenri University, to the contrary so far many preceding studies described Ito Jinsai's life on the basis of the "Kogaku Sensei Gyojo" which was written by Jinsai's son Ito Togai. But recently the authenticity of "Kogaku Sensei Gyojo" has been suspected for some point. The other is that I have attempted to give this paper the significance of the basic materials to study Tokugawa educational history. So I divide Jinsai's life into four times from the viewpoint of the development of his thoughts and educational activities.
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