「五倫」道徳の成立過程に関する研究(その二) : 孔子の人倫思想について
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はじめに1. 「五教」をめぐる孔子の主張2. 孔子における「孝弟」3. 道徳の根本としての「忠信」「忠恕」4. 孔子における人倫道徳の拡充むすびWhen we consider the formulating process of the doctrine of the Cufucian Five Human Relations, it is very important to examine the moral thought of Confucius. Before the times of Confucius (in early Chinese society), the thought of ethics and morality centered on the relationship between parents and their children, which put an emphasis to the respective duties among them. Confucius also regarded the family morality as important. However he replaced the idea of the duties which were expressed as a certain standard of morality with the idea of sympathetic consideration towards parents and brothers, which meant the reasonable behavior and the intrinsic affection of human beings, and which was based on inner reflection of each individual (listening to one's conscience). The moral thought of Confucius was characterized by the idea of faithfulness toward one's better self. And for him it is natural that one's conscience should work in various human relations not only in family life but also in social life. We find that Confucius exerted great influence on the development of the moral thought in ancient China, that is, the formulation of the doctrine of the Cufucian Five Human Relations. His primary concern was a good society based on harmonious human relations. To this end he first of all advocated the idea of faithfulness toward one's better self.
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