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中絶論争 場外で加熱 共和党大会 '92米大統領選「中絶問題」とキリスト教各派 原理主義者 問題の経緯 米,中絶制限を撤廃 大統領命令 少女の中絶 国揺るがす アイルランドで***妊娠論議紛糾 中絶法実施,一時停止 ドイツ連邦憲法裁 ポーランド 中絶規制法成立 中絶容認をバチカン紙非難中絶法の成立とその改正Roe vs. Wade 最高裁判決 中絶の自由,制限 米最高裁「規制措置の州法は合憲」 「中絶」に玉虫色判決 米連邦最高裁中絶問題と社会科学 「赤ちゃん殺すな」と医師射殺,中絶反対派の活動家This paper reviews the controversy over abortion in the United States. The Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 changed the issue from a private one to a public one. Antiabortion groups were reorganized and a counterattack was launched. The activists involved (both prolife and prochoice groups) represent extreme and opposite ends of the issue and therefore offer little hope of compromise. The questions arise : Is abortion legal or not? When does life begin? Who can make a decision about life and death? It is not easy to resolve these questions or the issue as a whole, without looking at the underlying issues. These include the role of traditional values (including moral, sexual and familial values), which are in turn influenced by a male dominated society.
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