Spectator violenceとしてのフーリガニズム
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世界的スポーツとしてのフットボール 非難避けて?姿隠す 観衆の祈り,伊に重圧 イタリア人が英国人を襲撃,W杯サッカー,43人逮捕 東も西も街頭で熱狂 ベルリンフットボールの社会史プロスポーツとしてのフットボールフーリガニズム(hooliganism)の背景フーリガニズムとは何か (1) 疎外された労働者階級の若者たちの抵抗 (2) 儀式化された攻撃性 (3) "男らしさ"へのこだわりフーリガニズムの行方In recent years football hooliganism (football crowd violence) has become a growing international problem. During the last World Cup in Italy, the newspapers reported that the organizing committee was forced to spend more than 80 billion lira on anti-hooligan measures. It was the most expensive World Cup in history. Among all the hooligans, the English are ranked the worst in Europe by the Press. Why has modern football become beleaguered by hooliganism ? What is the cause of it ? As part of a study on spectator violence, the historical change of hooliganism in England is reviewed in this paper.
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