- 論文の詳細を見る
The Hottoke method in Japanese flounder larviculture has been carried out from 1986 in use of 50m^3 tanks. The Hottoke rearing consists of four fundamentals; the rearing water during the initial rearing period is blended with condensed Nannochloropsis sp., the rearing of flounder larvae and the culture of rotifers are conducted at the same time in the same tank, the larvae are reared with no exchange of water for long-term period, and they are moved into a new tank just prior to the settlement. This method which emphasizes the simplification of rearing works and the reduction of rearing time has been developed to make the seed production possible by oneself For more efficiency of the rearing works, it was studied with three 1m^3 FRP tanks in which 170,000 newly-hatched larvae were stocked. As the results, 110,000 benthic fishes were produced. Relationship between the rearing environments and larval condition was discussed.
- 福山大学の論文
阪本 憲司
阪本 憲司
高橋 庸一
板野 公一
岡 英雄
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