- 論文の詳細を見る
In eighteenth century, at the advent of the modern science, lightening became known as the electrical phenomenon. Since then up until today, there have been numerous remarkable developments in the area of electricity. As a result, including the development of the personal computer, electricity is greatly contributing to the achievement of the better quality of life for human being. However, the research for the lightening, which can be considered as had helped to find the electricity, has not yet getting a hinge of its full understanding. The lightening discharge is a statistical phenomenon, the main constituent of which is the increase of electron through the ionization by collision. Another aspect of the lightening discharge is that the thunder path formation is in the form of stepping development. The electrical field is self generated, and the next development stage of the lightening in terms of direction and the dilation length is depending on stochastic growth of the electrical field. In another words, although the electricity can generally be, it is not possible to present the thunder lightening in the form of standardized analytical representation. Thus, it is a phenomenon which lacks the reproducibility. In this situation, although we can not state that each part of the lightening discharge is revealed, by adopting the parameter of the lightening discharge which are already known, we can create the simulation of lightening development path, and plot these data as a three dimensional (3D) mapping, and we have conducted the prediction of the lightening for City Safety Planning. This research is crucial and will become more important from the standpoint of avoiding the disaster by lightening in the urban area, as we utilize electricity more and more in our everyday life, such as an intelligent building system, or the ubiquitous network.
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