- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examines the scale structure of the College Adjustment Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES ; Hirose, Wada & Watanabe, 1999) when evaluating the self-efficacy of high school students. A confirmatory factor analysis (Procrustes rotation) of 449 high school students' data showed that the scale had three factors that corresponded to college students' data: judgmental ability based on objective information, self-controlled persistence of activity, and self-adjustment in human relations. By making use of the Career Maturity Attitude Scale score, which was revised by the authors from the original scales by Sakayanagi and Takeuchi (1986), high school students with "high-planned high-interest", "low-planned high-interest", and "low-planned low-interest" were selected to compare their self-efficacy with that of well-adjusted college students. A comparison was made with 13 college majors. The "high-planned high-interest" groups had score patterns similar to those of well-adjusted college students. The "high-planned high-interest" groups had higher self-efficacy than the "low-planned low-interest" groups, and both groups showed lower self-efficacy for self-controlled persistence of activity. The "low-planned high-interest" groups had some peculiar score patterns. Implications for career guidance in high school are discussed.
- 日本キャリア教育学会の論文
- 1999-01-30
- 昭和57年度共通第1次学力試験(国語・数学I・英語B)による尺度化の試み
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