- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a preliminary study for prevention of "hie-sho". "Hie-sho" (cold feeling) is a common illness between Japanese women. Patients of hie-sho feel severe cold on some part of their bodies, for example, hands, feet, legs, or/and waists. Some have so severe symptoms that they need medical care. It is said that appropriate physical movement is needed for prevention or improvement of hie-sho. We studied the physical activity of female students (n=19) by accelerometers, at the same time of study of sleep, degree of hie-sho, and body construction by questionnaire. The samples were divided into 2 groups according to the self-recognition of hie-sho. The group of hie-sho was smaller, thinner, slept longer. There were not large differences on bed time and physical activity between 2 groups. Physical activity in both groups was less than recommended value by the Ministry of Health and Labor.
- 岐阜市立女子短期大学の論文
- ラットの自発運動量と、高脂肪食、血中脂質との関係
- 冷え性と身体活動の関連
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