- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied the effects of physical activity or high-fat diet to body weight of rats. Twelve 9week-old rats were divided into 4 groups: 4 rats took control diet and voluntarily ran on wheel. Another 4 took high-fat diet and ran freely. Another 2rats were sedentary and were fed on control diet, and the other 2rats were sedentary and took high-fat diet. We took care of them until they became 60 weeks old (14 months old). All rats in sedentary groups got more weight than any rat in "active" groups though some rats in "active" groups scarcely ran on wheels. The nature of diet had no effects on body weight. Sedentary rats ate more than rats in "active" groups. We assume that no-opportunity for physical activity is stressful for animals and results in over-eating.
- 岐阜市立女子短期大学の論文
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