- 論文の詳細を見る
Hematological examination and attitude on iron absorption are discussed in this paper on 54 patients with Banti's syndrome and 73 subjects after gastrectomy from 1954 to 1966. To clarify the pathogenesis of these anemias, radioactive iron (^<59>Fe Cl_3) was given orally to these patients and experimental animals. Hematological Examination : Mostly the anemia of Banti's syndrome is hypochromic and iron defficient, and responds to iron remarkably. The patients recover well after splenectomy, however, some of them start to be anemic within 1 or 2 years after the surgery. About 50 per cent of gastrectomized patients show hematological abnormality and the anemia is usually hypochromic and iron defficient. The incidence of male is twice of the female and we find this abnormality from 3 to 5 years after the operation. Study on Iron Absorption: a) Animal Experiment: Normal rats absorbed radioactive iron within 6 hours from intestine and the radioactivity appeared in red cells within 48 hours. Ferric iron prescribed with ascorbic acid was absorbed better than when ferric iron was given without any addition. Anemia caused by phlebotomy and hemolytic anemia due to phenylhydrazine showed high iron absorption ratio. b) Clinical Investigation : Iron absorption rate of the patients with Banti's syndrome was low compared with normal subjects. This phenomenon is considered to bo the major factor caused this type of anemia. Low absorption ratio was also observed in gastrectomized patients. Anemic group in the postoperative patients was found to have relatively better absorption than non-anemic group. This relationship of absorption between anemic and non-anemic groups is similar to that between essential iron defficiency anemia and normal subjects. Gastrectomized patients after the surgery of Billroth's II method ordinally absorbed better than patients after the surgery of Billroth's I method.
- 千葉大学の論文
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