- 論文の詳細を見る
A unitary monosyynaptic reflex spike elicited by stimulation of the gastrocnemius nerve, was recorded from the central cut end of ventral root filaments. When a shock of subthreshold with respect to the reflex discharge was given previous to this stimulation, the response time from the artifact of the second shock became shorter. Shortness of the response time is consequent upon facilitation on temporal summation of the postsynaptic potential. The postsynaptic potential produced by the afferent impulse attains a critical threshold level and the motoneuron discharges an impulse recorded from the ventral root filaments. Therefore, the larger the postsynaptic potential, the briefer the latency. As to relation between shock intervals and response times, the response times were delayed at intervals shorter than 3-4 msec. This means that the summed postsynaptic potential, as the inter-shock interval is shortened, takes progressively longer to reach the critical level for motoneuron firing. Therefore, the slope shown by the relation at the short intervals, on one hand, corresponds to the rising phase of the postsynaptic potential produced by the first shock; on the other hand, the slope serves to clarify the relation between the rising rate of the summed postsynaptic potentials and the critical threshold level. This delay in the response time is due to rise of threshold owing to accommodation of the motoneuron against the rising rate of the postsynaptic potential. Afferent discharge produced by pulling out of the antagonist, inhibits the impulse transmission. Prolongation of the response time becomes remarkable and the slope steeper. Consequently, the latter may mean that the inhibition makes accommodation of the motoneuron smaller (see Jap. J. Physiol., 13, 351, 1963.).
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1964-09-28
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