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The marketing theories and strategies have been developed very rapidly in these almost 40 years in the Japanese industries. The key players in the Japanese business field including foreign affiliated companies have been developing their marketing strategies in order to adapt the drastically changing environment based on their own strategic concepts. From the viewpoint of the transactional aspct, it has been pointed out that three paradigms have been developed in Japanese market, so called "Stimuli-Response Paradigms", "Exchange Paradigm" and "Relationship Paradigm" in the chronological order. Even though these paradigms have been developed historical order, each paradigm is able to be applied if it is appropriate to the environmental situation for the marketing activities of the specific product and services. In Japan, these marketing paradigms have been developed and applied by almost all the industries except the healthcare service providers, like hospitals and clinics because of the government controls on pricing and regulations on their promotional activities including advertising. But in these almost ten years, the Government has been under the serious difficulties to find out the solutions to cope with the anticipated rapidly increasing medical cost because of increasing the aging people, which had triggered to introduce the healthcare re-form by the MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labors and Welfare) based on the concept of privatization not only for the national hospitals but also for the care-service providers for aging people. These environmental changes in the healthcare market have been accelerated because of not only these changing governmental policies but also changing attitude of customers like patients and their families who are demanding more transparent and informative healthcare services in terms of cost and effectiveness, At the same time, the numer of the non-profit organizations like NPOs, NGOs and the voluntary groups in the communities are increasing very rapidly to enter this market. Under these circumstances, the marketing concept based on customer-oriented and customer-satisfaction and the marketing approaches based on the Relationship Paradigm have been expected to play the important roles to develop the collaboration among the various kinds of healthcare related entities to leverage the effectiveness and efficiency in the emerging healthcare market in Japan.
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