- 論文の詳細を見る
As recent merchant vessels are purpose-built and growing in size, the impact of a maritime disaster became more serious. So the mariners are required to execute onboard works without fail. To execute onboard work unfailingly, the mariners are required to exert their techniques adequately. However, there are few examples that clarify the management of mariners' technical exertion. In this paper, authors tried to clarify the function of management in ship operation. On analyzing the function of management, authors proposed the definition of the function of management and organized the content of the function in "4W; what, why, when, who" and "1H; how" conditions. On the basis of the concept of the function of management, authors carried out the experiment and analyzed/compared the maneuvering of experienced mariners and freshman mariners in the ship-handling simulator. As the result of the experiment, the validity of the proposing concept and the importance of the function of management became clear.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 2009-03-25
- 避航操船における見張り特性に関する研究-II
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- MARSIM'03 開催報告
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- 会長就任挨拶
- 学会の変革に当たって
- 1 操船シミュレータ特集にあたって
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- 2309 船舶操縦におけるヒューマン・ファクターについて(OS7 人間・機械システム,ヒューマンインターフェース)
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- 操船情報と人間特性
- 特集"日本航海学会に期待する"によせて
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