ヒ素の地質的分布 : 地下水ヒ素汚染におけるヒ素の起源(アジア地下水ヒ素汚染問題を考える)
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Arsenic contaminated groundwater levels of over 0.01ppm, is recently appearing in many alluvium plains in Japan. However luckily, arsenic patients due to groundwater have not yet been reported. To solve the problem of the arsenic contaminated groundwater, it is important to distinguish three mechanism of arsenic pollution ; origin, concentration and solution of arsenic. This paper reviews firstly, the distribution of arsenic in the natural environment, and secondly, specially discusses about the mechanism of arsenic's geological origin. Ordinary sedimentary to igneous rocks generallycontain 1 to 4 ppm of arsenic. But fine grained rocks and sediments; pelagic sediment, clay, silt, shale, and slate etc., contain much higher arsenic contents of up to 10 to 14 ppm. Soils are also concentrated with much arsenic of up to 10 to 100 ppm, compared with the fresh rocks of the same type. Thus, arsenic is inclined to be concentrated to the fine grained facies and soils. As the alluvial plain composes much fine grained beds, there is a possibility that high concentrated arsenic is originally contained in the alluvium sediments. The mechanism of arsenic concentration in fine grained sediments and soils before and after sedimentation must be clarified. On the other hand, hot springsand/orthermal waters in the present volcano-geothermal fields and ore deposited areas related with magma also have high concentration of arsenic of one to three ppm. These levels are still very higher than standard groundwater. Most of the margins of alluvium plains in Japan are topographically very linear, probably indicating existence of deep fractures. Hot springs are linearly distributed along the margin of the plains in many cases, owing to the deep fractures. Even active volcano-geothermal fields and ore deposits do not exist in the surroundings of the plain. If terrestrial high heat flow exists beneath the plain, it is possible for magma to be in the lower crust. In these field cases, arsenic could be derived from magma to thermal water and/or hot springs. The arsenic problem is becoming a global problem. The study of arsenic contaminated groundwater has just started in Japan. If the world scientists cooperate with each other, it would be surely able to solve this problem.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1997-11-07
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