- 論文の詳細を見る
The writer discussed the following problems in this report. 1. From submarine geologic (after NIINO, 1933, 35, HOSHINO, 1958) or tectonic viewpoints, it comes to the conclusion that the shallow bottom of Japan Sea was submarged during the early Miocene. 2. The highland in Japanese Island which have similar scales as the shallow parts of Japan Sea were formed in the latest Pliocene or Pleistocene, and so the shallow parts of Japan Sea were above the sea level at these time. 3. It seems that the sediments having slow elastic velocity (2.0〜2.5 km/sec) and 1.0〜1.5 km thickness on the deep sea bottom (ANDREEVA and UDINTSEV, 1958) were deposited until the latest Pliocene because its velocity is very slow and comparatively constant, and its values are similar to ones of younger Pliocene or Pleistocene sediments in Japanese Island. The above sediments are inferred to be transported through the innumerable submarine canyons from the latest Pliocene to middle Pleistocene. 4. From the above mentioned facts, the deep sea parts are seemed that it was submarged under the sea level in the latest Pliocene or early Pleistocene. 5. Historical review of Japan Sea is shown by Figs.4, 5.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1962-09-30
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- 島弧変動期における堆積盆地の発生 : 東京都青梅市北部の霞丘陵の鮮新統の地質構造
- 松本市北方安曇平における地震探査
- 地殻応力と断層系
- 関東地方における島弧変動 : 構造地質
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