東アジア(日本・中国・韓国)における高齢者ケアに関する調査研究 : 高齢者施設利用者家族の満足度に影響を与える要因(<特集>国際比較研究,浅野仁教授退職記念号)
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The study examined the factors the effect family caregiver's satisfaction with the nursing homes in three Asian countries, Japan, China, and Korea. For that purpose, first the measurement of the "Family Satisfaction with Nursing Homes" was developed. The validity and reliability of these measures were examined. A hypothetical model was used to study family satisfaction among 498 family caregivers (172 in Japan; 158 in China; 168 in Korea) in relation to twelve factors. In the Japanese sample, the results of the multilevel analysis showed that "attitudes and services of the facility," "family's positive feelings," and "access time" were significant factors that affected family's satisfaction. Regarding the Chinese sample, the significant factors were "general expectations of nursing homes," "direct care," "life changes," and "the level of physical distriss." As for the final sample, Korea, "general expectations of nursing homes," "family's @positive feelings" and "direct care" had significant effects on family's satisfaction. The findings imply that Japanese families are more likely to focus on the staff's kind attitudes and the protection of residents' privacy, while Chinese and Korean families are more likely to focus on the adequacy of the direct care. For Chinese and Korean families, the high expectations of nursing homes are associated with high satisfaction. Since the effects of the "family's positive feelings" on satisfaction vary among the three countries, developing a model that takes into account the ethnic characteristics is necessary in future studies.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 金子絵里乃著, ささえあうグリーフケア:小児がんで子どもを亡くした15人の母親のライフ・ストーリー, ミネルヴァ書房, 判型:A5判, 総頁数:260頁, 発行年:2009, 定価4,000円+税
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