大学生のもつ「死」のイメージ : テキストマイニングによる分析
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High-tech modern society has hidden and rejected natural death. While real death is hidden, death in virtual reality has replaced it, via the mass media. As a result, adolescents and young adults, who are in the era of stable character formation, have difficulties in experiencing real feelings toward death, which bring about their firm perception of death. The purpose of this study is to find the constructs of the perception of death among college students. One hundred and two students were asked to write down their images of death. Using text mining techniques, text data were grouped into eight clusters: 'spiritual aspect,' 'natural end,' 'feelings toward death,' 'separation from people meaningful to oneself,' 'the unknown and loneliness,' 'ambiguity,' and 'giving up activities.' The construct 'feelings toward death' includes positive and negative feelings toward death itself, mixed feelings toward death, and the negative feelings toward death in relation to others. More studies are needed to determine the perception of death. Considering the perception of death among adolescents and young adults, better death education programs in the educational system should be developed.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2003-10-28
- 金子絵里乃著, ささえあうグリーフケア:小児がんで子どもを亡くした15人の母親のライフ・ストーリー, ミネルヴァ書房, 判型:A5判, 総頁数:260頁, 発行年:2009, 定価4,000円+税
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