東アジア(日本・中国・韓国)における高齢者ケアに関する調査研究 : 高齢者施設のケアの質に関する比較研究(<特集>国際比較研究,浅野仁教授退職記念号)
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The problem of an aging society not only uniquely affects Japan. The aging of society also occurs in many western developed countries, as well as in neighboring East Asian countries such as China and South Korea. Due to a drastic decrease in the nuimber of new-born babies, East Asian countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea now face the prospect of an increasingly aging society. East Asian nations share attitudes towards the elderly including respect for aged people and a commitment to care for the aged. The tradition of filial piety still holds sway and has impact on the thinking and behavior of people. However, due to rapid demographic, economic, and social structural changes, it has become increasingly more difficult for young people - that is, children of aging parents - to care for the elderly. If children can no longer afford to provide appropriuate and proper carem, it then becomes the responsibility of society as a whole to provide this care, specifically through other means such as long-term institutional care. In Japan, a long-term care insurance system was established in 2000 and contributed to the development of institutional care to some extent. China and South Korea do not as yet have systems to insure care for the elderly, and it would bne helpful to examine and compare insutitutional care in the three countries to see how each society attempts to copoe with the expanding needs of elderly people. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the present state of institional care in Japan, China, and South Korea through interviews with care system staff and also observation using a common scale. Both the strengths and weaknesses of each country's are identified, and the common characteristics of each country's institutions are highlighted.
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