実践智を裏付ける看護の「現場」を問う : 看護のアイデンティティの確立を目指して
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Since the middle of the 20th century, the medical work site has been presenting a. rapid change brought about by rapid progress of the medical technology on the basis of modernization of western medical science or biological science. The development of such medical science has put the present medical care in the change of tide. This medical situation has forced us to ask ourselves what identity of nursing. I have thought as follows. Conventionally, those who have been engaged in nursing tended to think it being in "the place of nursing" to attend at a clinical work site. The behavior for nursing care of such "work site" has been unconsciously done as premise. However,is the true "place" of nursing there? Is the identity of nursing secured only by it being in such "work site of nursing"? A main subject is the trial which is going to reconstruct the identity of nursing by reflecting upon "the place of nursing". Because, I want to offer the true nursing care which has being a patient and has respected his after being. The practice of nursing is created through human relations between those engaged in nursing and patient. Although, this place is not produced from the manualized work site of nursing. One over, this place is constructed from the both-direction - this vivid relation -, between a person engaged in nursing and patient. It could be caught as "a place of the relation as the present existence" which has just lived. In order to recatch of the conception of the identity of nursing, it must be concerned with this "place of the relation as existence" in consciousness with "the intelletual practice of nursing". It is important that the identity of nursing is based on this "place" of nursing.
- 日本医学哲学・倫理学会の論文
- 2001-10-20
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