- 論文の詳細を見る
The cultural revolution started in 1966 showed signs that China would be placed under the control of the cultural revolution party. However, struggles continued between the cultural revolution party led by the so-called gang of four the members of which were Chiang Ching, Wang Hung-Wen, Chang Chun-Chiao and Yao Wen-Yuan, and the practical affairs party led by Chou En-Lai. Since August 1973, the cultural revolution party began attacks on the practical affairs party. However, the attacks failed in driving away the practical affairs party. Again, the People's Representatives' Meeting convened in January 1975 ended with the victory on the part of the practical affairs party. Of the twelve posts of vice premiers, six were occupied by the cultural revolution party. However, the posts of the heads of the twenty-six departments of the National Affairs Board and those of the chairmen and ministers of the three committees were almost occupied by those who had been military men and by the members of the practical affairs party. Only a few posts were just occupied by the members of the cultural revolution party. However, the post of the Chairman of the National Physical Education and Sports Committee was occupied by a member of the cultural revolution party. At the People's Representatives' Meeting, Chou En-Lai made a declaration of the realization of "modernization of four things." Failing in the cultural revolution movement, the cultural revolution party started thereafter attacks on Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-Ping who came back to power. Chou En-Lai died on January 8, 1976, entrusting Teng Hsiao-Ping with future affairs. The activities of Vice Premier Teng made after Premier Chou had been taken ill were remarkable. The rise of Teng Hsiao-Ping produced a feeling of crisis on the cultural revolution party. On April 8, Hua Kuo-Feng assumed the office of premier. However, Teng Hsiao-Ping, attacked by the cultural revolution party, lost his position again. After the death of Mao Tse-Tung on September 9, 1976, struggles for power were started between the cultural revolution party and the Hua Kuo-Feng party, and Hua Kuo-Feng determinedly apprehended the members of the gang of four. After their apprehension, Hua Kuo-Feng, by starting criticism of the members, began movements to drive away the members of the cultural revolution party. There were some localities which feel in confusion for some time, affected by such criticism. In July 1977, Teng Hsiao-Ping came back again to be a vice premier, and many of the members of the practical affairs party and the moderate party, who had lost their positions, came back to power again. Hua Kuo-Feng took over Chou En-Lai policies, and in March 1978, he made a revision of the Constitution, and the premier, by making modernization of four things, is trying to rerevise what were revised in the cultural revolution movement. In the cultural revolution movement, there were made great changes in the school education, i.e., the term of learning was shortened, the subjects were made simple, and, in principle, the terms of learning were made to be five years at elementary schools, two years at junior high schools, and two years at high schools and two to three years at universities. In some localities, there were differences in such terms, and as for special subjects at some universities, four years were assigned for the study of such subjects. To enter universities, participation in labor for more than two years was an essential prerequisite and mass recommendation was necessary. Up to 1972, no entrance examinations had been conducted. However, since 1973, examinations have been conducted for the purpose of knowing examination receivers' basic knowledge. As a result of the blank paper incident that occurred in the same year, which was taken up by the gang of four, all the schools discontinued giving intellectual examinations, producing a phenomenon under which entering with no examination and graduating after making no study became possible. As a result, the scholastic ability of the university graduates lowered. As the gang of four also asserted emphatically that a basic theory was not useful, in some universities, basic subjects were discarded, Some students were admitted entrances to faculties of art, foreign language and physical education with no experience of labor. After the banishment of the gang of four, four policies for modernization were established for education. (Five years at elementary school and five years junior high school + high school.) Since 1977, entrance examinations have been revived at universities and colleges, the condition of two years' labor or more has been abolished, and even senior middle school students have been allowed to undergo entrance examinations if their school records are excellent. The universities have been classified into those which are able to enroll students from all over the country and those authorized to enroll students only from certain districts. In 1977, 5.7 million students underwent entrance examinations, and 278 thousands of them succeeded in the examinations. There has been placed a limit on new high school graduates, which stipulates that their rate of success should be 20 to 30 percent of all the successful students. In the case of literary course, students should study for the term of four years, while for scientific course, they should study for five years. There has been a remarkable increase in the number of school hours, and promotion examinations have been revived at all of the universities. Changes wer effected in the school physical education. "Nation-widely UniformGeneral Rules for the Conduct of Physical Education" are expected to be issued in the fall of 1978, and tentative drafts are now being prepared in districts. "The Law on the Standards of National Physical Education and Training" which was issued in 1975 will also be enforced positively. In some districts, the items for tests laid down in this law are being used as items for testing practical techniques. As to the sports after the exile of the gang of four, the basic route was shown at the nation-wide physical educator's and sport leader's meeting held in January 1978. According to the basic route, the objective of physical education is to train champions to compete with world champions. In order to achieve this objective, what are to be done are the spread of sports, perfection of instructors and sports facilities and holding of competitions. Revisions are to be effected on the system for technical grading and on the system for the commendation of those establishing national records; also, revisions are to be made on the rules for spare-time athletic school. These policies were carried into effect immediately, the system for the grading of champions, referees and coaches which had been abolished in the cultural revolution having been revived. As to the grading of champions, the draft which was revised in July 1978 so as to match the domestic level with the world level has been put in use. The standards provided for in this draft are far higher in comparison with the standards established in 1958. As for referees, they are graded according to their abilities, and a grading system will soon be adopted for coaches. It has been decided that a system to commend those who have established new records will be put into effect commencing in 1978. Competitions of various kinds are being held extensively; in 1978, all-China championship meets were held in medium and small cities with the objective to raise the levels in localities. Meantime, competitions with foreign champions are being held enthusiastically, and invitations of foreign coaches are being made. The application for reversion submitted to I.O.C. in 1975 has not obtained passage at its general meeting as yet. However, China has reverted to the I.F.s (International Sports Federation) from which China withdrew due to the question of the existence of two Chinas, and also has gained memberships in other I.F.s. The number of I.F.s with which China was affiliated in 1972 was four, and the number increased to ten in 1977. A reversion to International Amateur Athletic Federation and the Council of International Gymnastics Federation were made in October 1978. China has a membership in the World Badminton Federation which was established in February 1978 by the countries dissatisfied with the policy of International Badminton Federation, which refused China to gain a reversion. Many revisions have been effected on the physical education and sports in China since the establishment of the Hua Kuo-Feng system, and these are making advances along the policy established for the modernization of four things.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 609 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 終戦後における各種スポーツの推移から帰納される一般的傾向 : (1) 研究の目的・方法及びスポーツ人口の推移
- アイススケートのスキルテストの基準に関する研究 (第2報)
- 011B18 中国における格技〜搏・手搏・角抵・相撲・角力・〓〓・争交〜について(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013109 中国新解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013119 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 我が国の大学、高専(旧制)における体操科およびスポーツの展開過程における諸問題 : 現代の大学体育問題を考える手がかりとして(体育史,専門分科会シンポジウムA)
- 013105 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 学校体育事故における法的責任とその対策について(その6) : 運動部の事故の責任に関する諸問題(6.体育管理,一般研究)
- 134 中国・地区別運動会(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 体育・スポーツ事故とその対策について(その4) : 施設・設備の瑕疵とその管理責任
- 122 中国・全国運動会小史
- 1029 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について (その3) : 事故の事後処理のあり方
- 131 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(III) : 中華人民共和国1967
- 1020 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その2) : 体育事故に対する刑事責任
- 116 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(II) : 中華人民共和国-1949〜1966
- 240 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その1)
- 125 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令,条例(I) : 1929年〜1945年
- 131 戦時下の中国における学校体育に対する特別措置(1937年〜1949年)
- 1011 清朝末期における女子の学校体育についての一考察(1.体育史,I.一般研究)
- 128 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 119 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令 (その2) : 1928年-1945年 : 3. 体育史に関する研究
- 「アジア諸国における民族的スポーツの変遷と現状」(体育史専門分科会)
- 日本体育史資料研究とその問題点(体育原理専門分科会)
- 王朝の交代による中国体育・スポーツの変遷についての一考察
- 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ
- 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着
- 中国・全国運動会小史
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポーツ界の動向
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポ-ツ界の動向
- 中華人民共和国の選手強化策
- 華国鋒体制下の中国における学校体育・スポーツの変革
- 中国における社会・経済状勢の変化が20世紀前半の中国学校教育に及ぼした影響
- 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その2) : 中華人民共和国
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その1)
- 収回教育権の教会学校体育への影響
- 文化大革命の中華人民共和国の学校体育・スポーツへの影響(浅野均一教授定年退職記念特集号)
- 体育研究所年表
- 五・四運動の中国学校体育への影響
- 準戦時・戦時下(1931年-1945年)の中華民国学校体育への影響
- 軍国民教育思想・国家主義教育思想・軍事教育思想の中華民国の学校体育に及ぼした影響
- 清朝末期から中華民国初期における中国女子体育に対する一考察
- 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 大学スポーツのあり方を考える(座談会,第2特集 大学スポーツ)
- 野外活動コースの実際(座談会,第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 座談会(保健体育の問題点-II部(夜間部))
- 大学体育を語る(座談会,大学体育を語る)
- 補償と救済制度の望ましいあり方(座談会,第1特集・災害補償と事故対策)
- 訪中の記(国内外における大学体育に関する研究活動)
- 大学体育を語る(座談会)
- 国際体育・スポーツ史東京セミナー
- 体力テストの問題点(体力テストの問題点について,体力テストの在り方をさぐる)
- 慶応義塾大学学生健康保険組合(第1特集・学生健康保険制度)
- 野外活動コース実施の変遷と現状(第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 事故が起きたらどうするか(提言,第1特集 事故・傷害対策)
- 中国 : 6. 現代のスポーツ政策 : スポーツの大衆化をめぐって
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令(その1)(1903年-1928年) : 2. 歴史的研究
- 集会教育権運動の中国学校体育への影響 : 歴史的研究
- アジア体育セミナー(国際会議レポート)
- 清朝末期より中華民国初期の中国女子の学校体育 : 2.歴史的研究
- 外来の体育の受容過程について : ドイツ及び日本におけるスウエーデン体操の受容過程(体育史専門分科会シンポジウム)
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 (II) : 国民政府の中国統一から台湾移転以後現在まで
- 26. 重慶移転後の国民政府の学校体育
- 59. 中国共産党治下(中国ソビエト区・辺区)の学校体育
- 51. 中華民国「戊辰学制一民国学校法」の学校体育
- 347. 中華民国「壬戍学制」の学校体育
- 中華民国「壬子学制」の学校体育
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 : 清朝末期より中華民国初期
- 清朝「欽定学堂章程」, 「奏症学堂章程」の学校体育
- 清朝末期の学校体育
- 古代中国思想家の身体活動観
- 17, 18世紀の中国におけるスケート
- 中国古代の撃壤・投壺・競渡
- 中国古代の馬球(Ma-Chiu), 捶丸(Chui-Wan)
- 一貫教育と体育 その5 : 戦争の小学生の体格に及ぼした影響
- 一貫教育と体育(その4) : 高等学校以下の連動能力について
- 一貫教育と体育(その三)高等学校以下の体格並に大学の後期運動能力について
- 中華人民共和国の体育とスポーツ
- 国民政府台湾移転以後の中華民国の体育とスポーツ
- 壬戌学制発布以後中華民国政府台湾移転までの中国における体育とスポーツ
- 中華人民共和国の学校体育
- 旧満州国の体育とスポーツ
- 清朝末期(阿片戦争以後)より中華民国初期(壬戍学制発布前まで)の中国における体育とスポーツ