- 論文の詳細を見る
Under Japanese Occupation On 7 July 1937 the Japan-China accident occurred, and the National Government, as the Japanese army made advancement, escaped to Hankou (December 1937) and then to Chungching (October 1938). The moving of the Nationalist Government to the interior resulted in producing two puppet governments in North China and Central China which were under the occupation of Japanese army. A puppet Nationalist Government was established in Nanking by Wang-Chaoming who escaped from Chungching in March 1940, and this government unified the said two governments. Although the Japanese army occupied nine provinces, the actuality was that the whole areas of such provinces were not under the power of the army, just occupying large cities and their surrounding areas. Starting in the last half of 1942 when Japan began taking a defensive position in the Pacific War, excellent Japanese army corps were sent in succession to the south Pacific from China in order to restore the falling fortunes. Due to the reduced force of arms, the Japanese army, facing difficulties to secure the occupied points and lines, had to make a retreat, and to the abandoned areas, the Communists made advancement. The two puppet governments established under the occupation of Japanese army worked out new educational policies respectively and rejected the policy and anti-Japanese education adopted by the Nationalist Party. The puppet Wang Government adopted an educational policy against Communism but supporting peace. Since universities and colleges which had been in the areas occupied by the Japanese army had mostly moved to the interior, some universities and colleges were established in place of the moved ones. Among the newly established educational institutes, schools for physical educators were included. The puppet government decided on a new guiding principle for physical education. The Chinese associations of Sports had all moved to the interior, therefore, association of sports were established newly amid the occupation of the Japanese army, and athletic meets were held by such new bodies. Since 1942, the public peace became worse because of the reduction in force of Japanese arms, gradually making holding of athletic meets difficult. During such time, athletic meets in which foreign athletes participated were only held between Japan and puppet Manchukuo. Areas under control of Chinese Communists The Communist Party which terminated the first agreement on Nationalist-Communist cooperation in July 1927 organized an army and came to have Soviet political powers in various areas, and finally the Party, by unifying such political powers, established an Emergency China-Soviet Republic Government at Juichin in Chianghsi : Province in November 1931. The Nationalist Party had been attacking the areas under the Soviet control, and the Communist Party, unable to stand attacks, abandoned Juichin in November 1934 and began movement and established a government in northern Shanhsi Province in October 1935. With the occurrence of Japan-China accident, a cooperative agreement was concluded for the 2nd time between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party, and the areas under Soviet control became remote areas, and in such areas a remote area government was established. The development of the Communist Party's power put the Nationalist Party in uneasiness and the party placed the remote areas under its siege. The Japanese army's attacks inflicted a great damage on the communist areas, however, the Communist Party, by overcoming difficulties, expanded its control. After the end of the Pacific War, battles between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party became intensified over requisition of the areas which had been under the control of the Japanese army; the battle came to an end through American mediation. However, since March 1946, the relations between both parties were aggravated again, and the two parties rushed into a full-scale war when America gave up its mediating effort in March 1947. For some time immediately after the war was started, the Nationalist Party was in a superior position and Yen'an was even turned over to the hand of the party, however, the situation was reversed beginning in later half of 1947; the Communist Party occupied areas one after another, and established liberation areas, and finally the People's Republic of China was established on 1 October 1949. The policy for education adopted by the Communist Party was to reconstruct thought, and this policy was pushed forward strongly. The Emergency China-Soviet Republic Government poured efforts into eradication of illiteracy and established many schools. An educational system was established in January 1934. Lessons were given for physical education, however, equipment and tools were not available fully as areas were under the siege of the Nationalist Party's army. Encouragement was given to sporting, however, due to scant data, details are not known. According to the existing data, athletic meets of various kinds were held on May 1933 such as soccer, volleyball and others. While as to the eduactional policy in the remote areas, the policy which had been adopted by the Soviets was first used with no change, however, a School Law was enacted afterward, by which educational policies were established. The policy was amended in 1943 so that education would be given according to the circumstances in respective areas. According to the School Laws enacted by remote governments, physical education was to be given at primary schools, however, it was not included in the curricula for middle school boys and girls. In the remote areas sports were played actively as recreation. It is known from the existing materials that field and track and basketball meets and others were held in Yen'an on 1 September 1942. As to the liberated areas, they were areas which came under the control of the Communist Party which won the battle with the Nationalist Party, therefore, no consideration was given to education immediately after the liberation of such areas. The meeting held for education for the first time in the liberated areas was the meeting which was called in August 1947 by the Northeast China People's Government. As for the North China People's Government (established in August 1948), it convened a meeting in May 1949, at which regulations for education for primary school children and for primary school teachers were laid down. The regulations enacted by the North China People's Government had provisions to give daytime primary school children physical education, however, as for children in two shifts or on a half-day system, no lessons were given on physical education. By the way, the regulations had no provisions concerning contents of teaching. As for the liberated areas other than North China, the People's Republic of China came into existence before regulations for education were enacted in such areas. During the time when the areas were liberated, the Communist Party was very busy in fighting the Nationalist Party, therefore, holding any athletic meeting was quite impossible.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 609 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 終戦後における各種スポーツの推移から帰納される一般的傾向 : (1) 研究の目的・方法及びスポーツ人口の推移
- アイススケートのスキルテストの基準に関する研究 (第2報)
- 011B18 中国における格技〜搏・手搏・角抵・相撲・角力・〓〓・争交〜について(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013109 中国新解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013119 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 我が国の大学、高専(旧制)における体操科およびスポーツの展開過程における諸問題 : 現代の大学体育問題を考える手がかりとして(体育史,専門分科会シンポジウムA)
- 013105 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 学校体育事故における法的責任とその対策について(その6) : 運動部の事故の責任に関する諸問題(6.体育管理,一般研究)
- 134 中国・地区別運動会(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 体育・スポーツ事故とその対策について(その4) : 施設・設備の瑕疵とその管理責任
- 122 中国・全国運動会小史
- 1029 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について (その3) : 事故の事後処理のあり方
- 131 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(III) : 中華人民共和国1967
- 1020 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その2) : 体育事故に対する刑事責任
- 116 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(II) : 中華人民共和国-1949〜1966
- 240 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その1)
- 125 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令,条例(I) : 1929年〜1945年
- 131 戦時下の中国における学校体育に対する特別措置(1937年〜1949年)
- 1011 清朝末期における女子の学校体育についての一考察(1.体育史,I.一般研究)
- 128 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 119 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令 (その2) : 1928年-1945年 : 3. 体育史に関する研究
- 「アジア諸国における民族的スポーツの変遷と現状」(体育史専門分科会)
- 日本体育史資料研究とその問題点(体育原理専門分科会)
- 王朝の交代による中国体育・スポーツの変遷についての一考察
- 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ
- 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着
- 中国・全国運動会小史
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポーツ界の動向
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポ-ツ界の動向
- 中華人民共和国の選手強化策
- 華国鋒体制下の中国における学校体育・スポーツの変革
- 中国における社会・経済状勢の変化が20世紀前半の中国学校教育に及ぼした影響
- 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その2) : 中華人民共和国
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その1)
- 収回教育権の教会学校体育への影響
- 文化大革命の中華人民共和国の学校体育・スポーツへの影響(浅野均一教授定年退職記念特集号)
- 体育研究所年表
- 五・四運動の中国学校体育への影響
- 準戦時・戦時下(1931年-1945年)の中華民国学校体育への影響
- 軍国民教育思想・国家主義教育思想・軍事教育思想の中華民国の学校体育に及ぼした影響
- 清朝末期から中華民国初期における中国女子体育に対する一考察
- 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 大学スポーツのあり方を考える(座談会,第2特集 大学スポーツ)
- 野外活動コースの実際(座談会,第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 座談会(保健体育の問題点-II部(夜間部))
- 大学体育を語る(座談会,大学体育を語る)
- 補償と救済制度の望ましいあり方(座談会,第1特集・災害補償と事故対策)
- 訪中の記(国内外における大学体育に関する研究活動)
- 大学体育を語る(座談会)
- 国際体育・スポーツ史東京セミナー
- 体力テストの問題点(体力テストの問題点について,体力テストの在り方をさぐる)
- 慶応義塾大学学生健康保険組合(第1特集・学生健康保険制度)
- 野外活動コース実施の変遷と現状(第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 事故が起きたらどうするか(提言,第1特集 事故・傷害対策)
- 中国 : 6. 現代のスポーツ政策 : スポーツの大衆化をめぐって
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令(その1)(1903年-1928年) : 2. 歴史的研究
- 集会教育権運動の中国学校体育への影響 : 歴史的研究
- アジア体育セミナー(国際会議レポート)
- 清朝末期より中華民国初期の中国女子の学校体育 : 2.歴史的研究
- 外来の体育の受容過程について : ドイツ及び日本におけるスウエーデン体操の受容過程(体育史専門分科会シンポジウム)
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 (II) : 国民政府の中国統一から台湾移転以後現在まで
- 26. 重慶移転後の国民政府の学校体育
- 59. 中国共産党治下(中国ソビエト区・辺区)の学校体育
- 51. 中華民国「戊辰学制一民国学校法」の学校体育
- 347. 中華民国「壬戍学制」の学校体育
- 中華民国「壬子学制」の学校体育
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 : 清朝末期より中華民国初期
- 清朝「欽定学堂章程」, 「奏症学堂章程」の学校体育
- 清朝末期の学校体育
- 古代中国思想家の身体活動観
- 17, 18世紀の中国におけるスケート
- 中国古代の撃壤・投壺・競渡
- 中国古代の馬球(Ma-Chiu), 捶丸(Chui-Wan)
- 一貫教育と体育 その5 : 戦争の小学生の体格に及ぼした影響
- 一貫教育と体育(その4) : 高等学校以下の連動能力について
- 一貫教育と体育(その三)高等学校以下の体格並に大学の後期運動能力について
- 中華人民共和国の体育とスポーツ
- 国民政府台湾移転以後の中華民国の体育とスポーツ
- 壬戌学制発布以後中華民国政府台湾移転までの中国における体育とスポーツ
- 中華人民共和国の学校体育
- 旧満州国の体育とスポーツ
- 清朝末期(阿片戦争以後)より中華民国初期(壬戍学制発布前まで)の中国における体育とスポーツ