- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of the movement of recovery of the right of education was to recover the right of education which had been in the hands of foreigners to the hands of Chinese people, and in the background of this movement, there lay primary factors such as the Unequal Treaty, the opposition against the invasion of foreign countries into China, etc. The recovery movement did not heap up as the sole movement, but the movement developed as a link of the chain of the nationalistic idea which was flared up by the 5・4 movement dominated across the country as a result of the dissatisfaction caused by the 1919 Versailles Treaty. The movement began to become hot around 1919 and during 1922 and 1923, all educational bodies and organizations set themselves to develop this movement. During 1925, it, stimulated by the 5・30 Incident, became more and more heated. The Government also embarked itself in recovering the right of education in 1925. The educational facilities for Chinese people managed by foreigners and subjected to recovery of the right of education were very small in number when missionary schools were excepted, therefore, the target of the movement was set on missionary schools. The missionary schools and others under management of foreigners were in an extraterritorial status, and the education had been given therein uniquely based on the managers' policies. It was in 1839 that a missionary school was established for the first time in China. And after the doors of the country were opened to foreign countries in 1842, missionary schools were established one after another. Most of them were established in provinces in which ports were opened to foreigners. Schools of Protestant origin were far excelled those of Catholic origin in number. The missionary schools which numbered 3,687 in 1912 increased to 15,213 in 1919. Schools of primary school level overwhelmed in number, they had a small enrolment, and many of them were not equipped satisfactorily. The recovery movement started in 1917, and after 1919, it developed into an educational movement worthy of being paid attention to. On the part of the missionary schools, they began a movement against the educational movement. The anti-church group made its movement furious by the activities through educational bodies and organizations. The Governments set about recovering the right of education, too. The Peking Government in 1925 and the National Government in 1926 enacted laws in succession to recover the right of education. These laws could not have control because they were issued before the country was unified. Therefore, it seemed that not so great an effect was given to the missionary schools. The National Government that succeeded in the unification of the country after achieving its goal to conquer the northern region, issued the "Regulation for Private School" as on 29 August 1929. Contained in the regulation was that private schools should observe the then educational law, that schools managed by foreigners should appoint Chinese to the posts of master, that any religion should not be adopted as a compulsory course, and that approval should be cancelled or dissolution ordered when teaching was not given appropriately or the laws were not observed. These restrictions were naturally a severe blow upon missionary schools. During the period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the unification of the missionary education advanced, and with the China Christian Educational Association as controller of Christian educational administration, educational associations were organized on a provincial basis, such as the North China Educational Union, the West China Educational Union, the East China Educational Association, etc. These associations controlled education by prescribing standards for courses, teaching methods and the number of teaching hours. In the courses prescribed by missionary schools before the movement to recover the right of education got heated, no lesson was given for physical education with the exception of some associations. Also, the Chinese School Law had no provision pertaining to physical education. One of the reasons why physical education was not adopted in missionary schools might be that they had not sufficient facilities, tools and instructors, and that they had a small average number of schoolboys and girls. However, as there was no significant difference in the average number of school-children between missionary schools and ordinary schools, there may have been some other reasons. As the movement to recover the right of education rose, the missionary school side was separated into a prudent group and a radical group. The prudent group might be said a moderate group or an adaptation group, which intended to continue the existence of the school by adopting some measure or other. While on the other hand, the radical group took a policy to close the school and the managers, teachers and other personnel would return to their countries. Now that the survival of schools was impossible unless they were run by the school law which was enacted as a result of the recovery movement, it was clear that missionary schools had to begin physical education classes. In 1925 when the movement reached its peak and the Government launched itself in recovering the right of education, a course exclusive for physical education was established respectively at two missionary universities, Soochow University and Nanking Women's University. This may have been to cope with the movement. It was not true that all the missionary schools did not give physical education classes, at some missionary schools, there were physical education classes. In 1921, there was an increased number of missionary schools in which physical education classes were given. Many missionary schools may have devised measures to cope with the recovery movement, however, the fact that missionary schools were compelled without exception to give physical education with the issuance of the "Regulation for Private School" (1929) had a great effect not only upon missionary schools, but also upon the physical education at the Chinese schools.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 609 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 終戦後における各種スポーツの推移から帰納される一般的傾向 : (1) 研究の目的・方法及びスポーツ人口の推移
- アイススケートのスキルテストの基準に関する研究 (第2報)
- 011B18 中国における格技〜搏・手搏・角抵・相撲・角力・〓〓・争交〜について(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013109 中国新解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 013119 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ(1.体育史,一般研究A)
- 我が国の大学、高専(旧制)における体操科およびスポーツの展開過程における諸問題 : 現代の大学体育問題を考える手がかりとして(体育史,専門分科会シンポジウムA)
- 013105 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 学校体育事故における法的責任とその対策について(その6) : 運動部の事故の責任に関する諸問題(6.体育管理,一般研究)
- 134 中国・地区別運動会(1.体育史,一般研究)
- 620 体育・スポーツ事故とその対策について(その4) : 施設・設備の瑕疵とその管理責任
- 122 中国・全国運動会小史
- 1029 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について (その3) : 事故の事後処理のあり方
- 131 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(III) : 中華人民共和国1967
- 1020 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その2) : 体育事故に対する刑事責任
- 116 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(II) : 中華人民共和国-1949〜1966
- 240 学校体育授業中の事故とその対策について(その1)
- 125 中国に於ける社会体育・スポーツに関する法令,条例(I) : 1929年〜1945年
- 131 戦時下の中国における学校体育に対する特別措置(1937年〜1949年)
- 1011 清朝末期における女子の学校体育についての一考察(1.体育史,I.一般研究)
- 128 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 119 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令 (その2) : 1928年-1945年 : 3. 体育史に関する研究
- 「アジア諸国における民族的スポーツの変遷と現状」(体育史専門分科会)
- 日本体育史資料研究とその問題点(体育原理専門分科会)
- 王朝の交代による中国体育・スポーツの変遷についての一考察
- 中国老解放区の体育とスポーツ
- 西欧スポーツの中国への導入と定着
- 中国・全国運動会小史
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポーツ界の動向
- 全国体育工作者会議以後の中国スポ-ツ界の動向
- 中華人民共和国の選手強化策
- 華国鋒体制下の中国における学校体育・スポーツの変革
- 中国における社会・経済状勢の変化が20世紀前半の中国学校教育に及ぼした影響
- 日本占領下・中国共産党治下(1931年〜1949年)における中国の体育とスポーツ
- 戦時中,戦後(1937年〜1949年)の中国(国民政府治下)の体育とスポーツ
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その2) : 中華人民共和国
- 中国の体育・スポーツに関する法令・条例(その1)
- 収回教育権の教会学校体育への影響
- 文化大革命の中華人民共和国の学校体育・スポーツへの影響(浅野均一教授定年退職記念特集号)
- 体育研究所年表
- 五・四運動の中国学校体育への影響
- 準戦時・戦時下(1931年-1945年)の中華民国学校体育への影響
- 軍国民教育思想・国家主義教育思想・軍事教育思想の中華民国の学校体育に及ぼした影響
- 清朝末期から中華民国初期における中国女子体育に対する一考察
- 大学における体育・スポーツ活動中の傷害事故に関する研究
- 大学スポーツのあり方を考える(座談会,第2特集 大学スポーツ)
- 野外活動コースの実際(座談会,第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 座談会(保健体育の問題点-II部(夜間部))
- 大学体育を語る(座談会,大学体育を語る)
- 補償と救済制度の望ましいあり方(座談会,第1特集・災害補償と事故対策)
- 訪中の記(国内外における大学体育に関する研究活動)
- 大学体育を語る(座談会)
- 国際体育・スポーツ史東京セミナー
- 体力テストの問題点(体力テストの問題点について,体力テストの在り方をさぐる)
- 慶応義塾大学学生健康保険組合(第1特集・学生健康保険制度)
- 野外活動コース実施の変遷と現状(第1特集・大学体育・野外活動コース)
- 事故が起きたらどうするか(提言,第1特集 事故・傷害対策)
- 中国 : 6. 現代のスポーツ政策 : スポーツの大衆化をめぐって
- 中国における体育・スポーツ関係の法令(その1)(1903年-1928年) : 2. 歴史的研究
- 集会教育権運動の中国学校体育への影響 : 歴史的研究
- アジア体育セミナー(国際会議レポート)
- 清朝末期より中華民国初期の中国女子の学校体育 : 2.歴史的研究
- 外来の体育の受容過程について : ドイツ及び日本におけるスウエーデン体操の受容過程(体育史専門分科会シンポジウム)
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 (II) : 国民政府の中国統一から台湾移転以後現在まで
- 26. 重慶移転後の国民政府の学校体育
- 59. 中国共産党治下(中国ソビエト区・辺区)の学校体育
- 51. 中華民国「戊辰学制一民国学校法」の学校体育
- 347. 中華民国「壬戍学制」の学校体育
- 中華民国「壬子学制」の学校体育
- 中国学校体育の制度史的研究 : 清朝末期より中華民国初期
- 清朝「欽定学堂章程」, 「奏症学堂章程」の学校体育
- 清朝末期の学校体育
- 古代中国思想家の身体活動観
- 17, 18世紀の中国におけるスケート
- 中国古代の撃壤・投壺・競渡
- 中国古代の馬球(Ma-Chiu), 捶丸(Chui-Wan)
- 一貫教育と体育 その5 : 戦争の小学生の体格に及ぼした影響
- 一貫教育と体育(その4) : 高等学校以下の連動能力について
- 一貫教育と体育(その三)高等学校以下の体格並に大学の後期運動能力について
- 中華人民共和国の体育とスポーツ
- 国民政府台湾移転以後の中華民国の体育とスポーツ
- 壬戌学制発布以後中華民国政府台湾移転までの中国における体育とスポーツ
- 中華人民共和国の学校体育
- 旧満州国の体育とスポーツ
- 清朝末期(阿片戦争以後)より中華民国初期(壬戍学制発布前まで)の中国における体育とスポーツ