連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第6報 食鹽水注射ヲ行ハザル場合ノ成績
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Formerly we inspected the body-weight and life period of white rats, which were being subjected to continuous vibrations, injecting them daily with a dose of saline solution, while restricting them to a diet of unhulled rice and watery vegetables (no drinking water was allowed.) Recently we repeated this experiment under exactly the same conditions save that we omitted the injection of saline solution. Despite the abundance of water in fresh vegetables the rats which were denied the saline solution injections died much earlier than the former, their life period being only two-fifths that of the rats which were so injected. The following is a summary of the conclusions we have drawn concerning the effect of vibration upon body weight. Under the influences of continuous vibrations: 1. Young rats generally live longer than old ones. 2. Some rats live until their body-weight is reduced almost one half. 3. Rats that live longer generally lose more of their body-weight than do those that die earlier.
- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第5報 1.6%葡萄糖溶液加〓いたみんA注射ノ成績
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- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第6報 食鹽水注射ヲ行ハザル場合ノ成績
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- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第3報 1.6%葡萄糖液加〓ぃたみんB_1注射ノ成績
- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第4報 1.6%葡萄糖溶液加〓いたみんC注射ノ成績
- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第2報 1.6%,3.2%及ビ5%葡萄糖溶液注射成績
- 連續的振動ヲ受クル動物ノ一般状態體重並ニ生存期間ニ及ボス二三藥物ノ作用ニ就テノ實驗的研究 : 第1報 生理的食鹽水及ビ0.8%葡萄糖溶液注射成績
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