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A number of observations have hitherto been made of the effects of physical and chemical actions upon the vitality of spermatozoa taken from an animal's body, including experiments with antiseptics, reactions, variations of temperature, solutions, sunlight, ions, gases, etc.. We purposed to study the influences of certain vibrations, such as those of trains by which spermatozoa are carried to distant places for the purpose of artificial conception, upon the life period and activity of spermatozoa. For this purpose, we had constructed two electrically operated machine-vibrators, the one shaking horizontally and the other vertically, both with a vibrating-amptitude of 2cm. and a vibrating-speed of 140 timen a minute, reproducing somewhat the shaking motions of trains. We subjected the spermatozoa of white rats, rabbits and oxen to these two typen of vibrations, for a varying intermittent periods, then observed with a microseope the activity and the number of the spermatozoa remaining alive, until all were completely dead. We compared these results in each case with the condition of similar spermatozoa that had been preserved beyondany harmful influences.The results were as follows:-The spermatozoa of white rats are the weakest of the three studied in this experiment, and it was found that tbey were most easily affected by the shaking motion. After 71/2 minutes of vibration they were already manifesting signs of weakness, becoming weaker the longer the vibration continued, until after a duration of 30 minutes (and even more so after 371/2 minutes) almost the whole of the spermatozoa were lifeless when taken out for a microscopie examination. On the whole, the horizontal vibration has a stronger effeet upon the spermatozoa of white rats than does the vertical. The spermatozoa of rabbits are stronger than are those of white rats. Although they begin to be affected within a short time (less than 15minutes), they do not completely die out until after 2 hours of vibration. Some spermatozoa, though receiving a longer shaking than the others, lived longer and moved more lively. This symptom was most clearly true of the spermatozoa of oxen. In the rase of rabbits, it was observed that tbe horizontal vibrations produce a stronger effect than the vertical. A vibration of 30 minutes was the shortest to which the spermatozoa of oxen were subjected: This clearly weakened them though they were only completely killed after five bours of vibration. After undergoing vibrations of two and three hours, the spermatozoa of oxen lived longer and moved more actively tlian those which had been subjected to vibrations of 30 minutes and 1 hour. This is presumably due to the results of a suitable stimulation, while the spermatozoa of white rats and rabbits received only the harmful effects of the vibrations. In the end, however, the spermatozoa undergoing vibrations always die earlier than the protected sperm possibly as a result of accelerated metabolism. Horizontal vibrations were more effective in the cae of oxen than the vertical motions. Conclusion. 1) The spermatozoa which are naturally weak, die out quickly. In this examination, those of white rats died first, rabbits second, and oxen last. 2) Horizontal vibrations have stronger effeets than vertical vibrations. 3) The spermatozoa of white rats are almost entirely killed by 30 minutes of vibration, rabbits within two hours, and oxen after five hours. 4) After a certain period of vibrating, the observed spermatozoa move more lively than similar spermatozoa undergoing no vibrations, though in the end they always die out earlier. This is somewhat true of rabbits but particularly true of oxen.
- 京都府立医科大学の論文
- 1937-00-00
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