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There is some clinical Information that women employed an buses or elevators suffer from an abnormal functioning of their sexual organs. The following study was made to examine these facts experimentally. Some mature female white rats were selected for the purpose, which were subjected continuously to a horizontal vibration, by putting them on an electrically operated machirre (i.e., a vibrator with a vibrating amplitude of 4cm, and a vibrating speed of 140 times a miaute). The vibration was continued for some days, while rest was given only once daily for 1 hour during the morning. Before, during, and after the shaking the secretions of the animal's vagina' were examined, and thus was observed the change that takes place during their oestrous cycle. The results were as follows: 1. The "A" Group which had been shaken for a skort period (mean 13.6 days) suffered during the vibration a severe injury to their oestrous cycle. After the vibrations were stopped, over half of them recovered rather quickly. 2. The "B" Group was shaken for a relatively long time, i.e., for mean 27.1 days. The oestrous cycle of the rats completely stopped after a shaking of mean 17.9 days. During our observation of mean 23.3 days after shaking, we found that the oestrous cycle of 71.4% was still completely stopped, while the remainder were recovering poorly.
- 京都府立医科大学の論文
- 1937-00-00
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