Effects of pancreatic polypeptide on basal and meal stimulated secretion of gastrointestinal, pancreatic and adrenocortical hormones in the dog.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have assessed the effects of intravenous infusion of bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP) (1 microgram kg-1 h-1) on the basal and postprandial secretion of gastrointestinal, pancreatic and adrenocortical hormones in normal dogs. Bovine PP within the physiological range increased plasma cortisol levels transiently but significantly. PP elicited an inhibition of insulin response to a protein-rich meal, and tended to reduce the gastrin response. There were, however, no significant changes in basal or postprandial plasma concentrations of motilin and pancreatic glucagon during PP infusion. These results suggest that PP may have a role in controlling insulin secretion from the pancreas. The possible mechanisms are discussed mainly on the basis of vagal innervation.
- 神戸大学の論文
馬場 茂明
乾 明夫
神戸大 大学院医学系研究科
乾 明夫
水野 信彦
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
馬場 茂明
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
老籾 宗忠
乾 明夫
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
井上 徹
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
坂谷 則彰
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
大家 学
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
森岡 秀記
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
小川 正
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
石田 正矩
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
老籾 宗忠
Second Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
乾 明夫
小川 正
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