- 論文の詳細を見る
The Kadoshima granite is the massive finegrained biotite granite with characteristic microcline porphyroblasts and zoned plagioclase having basic turbid core. The type locality of this granite is the Kadoshima district of the middle stream of the River Tenryu, and the Kadoshima granite occurs as a stock-like mass in this district. Since, the mutual relation between the Kadoshima granite and the Tenryukyo granite was discussed in the past (IWAO 1937, KOIDE 1942), many investigators have considered that the Kadoshima granite is older than the Tenryukyo granite. Recently, we found the new field evidences that the Kadoshima granite is younger than the Tenryukyo granite. On the other hand, N. YAMADA (1968) described that the Busetsu granite is younger than the Inagawa-Sumikawa granites after the Nohi-rhyorite. As the Kadoshima granite is considered to be a facies of the Busetsu granite, the Kadoshima granite is younger than the Inagawa granites and then is one of the Ryoke granites later than the Nohi-rhyorite.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1970-03-25
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