臨床心理士の資格を有する教師の現状と課題(II) : 教師への面接調査を通して
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In the second study,6 teachers qualified as clinical psychologists were interviewed based on the results of the first study. Despite of many difficulties, such as limitation of working hours, the position on the brink between as a clinical psychologist and a student's consultant, the lack of awareness of their specialty by school managers, the survey was conducted. We mainly focused the following3points;(1) the way of having relationship with students and their parents,(2) the way of involving with school managers and their colleagues,(3) the way to approach their community.Results revealed that the teachers work hard and use their flexibilities as "specialists in human communication" (Kawai,2001) in their classrooms, especially in special supportive education, school counseling rooms, and local communities. Moreover, they try very hard to facilitate interactions with students, parents, school staffs, and people from other organizations and they work consistently.
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