- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research was to clarify the characteristics of autobiographical memory of older adults. In this research, each of the subjects was assigned to one of three recall modes, namely free recall, proactive recall, and retroactive recall. The subjects recalled twice. The following results were obtained. a) There were no differences about numbers of recalled episodes between first and second recall and between three recall conditions. b) In three conditions, the reminiscence vamp exists commonly. But there were many recalled episodes at 26-45 years old in free recall compared with the other 2 conditions, and there were many recalled episodes at 6-15 years old in proactive recall and were many recalled episodes at over 66 years old in retroactive recall. c) About "pleasant-unpleasant" evaluation, the assignment of recall order increased "pleasant" evaluation. d) Finally, It examined whether or not the age step was related to "pleasant-unpleasant" evaluation. As a result, in free recall and retroactive recall, a common tendency was gotten. That is, "very pleasant" items were significant few at 6-25 years old and were significant many at over 66 years old.
- 都留文科大学の論文
- 発達17(319〜325)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概念)
- 自由再生における「系列依存的体制化」 : カテゴリー材料を用いて
- 自由再生における系列依存的体制化
- 発達17(320〜327)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 体制化に関する構造分析
- 学級の適正規模に関する調査
- 冬戦争 : 何故、小国の人々は大国の横暴に屈しなかったのか
- 高齢者の自伝的記憶(その2.)
- 自伝的記憶の検索メカニズム
- 英語読解と記憶におけるスキーマの役割
- 新聞記事の再生に及ぼす領域固有知識の影響
- 系列位置曲線の再検討
- 物語文法に基づく体制化
- 小学生における体制化様式の変化--遅延再生を用いて
- 概念カテゴリ-規準表
- 概念カテゴリ-規準表
- 321 年齢に伴う体制化様式の変化(1)(記憶の発達,発達)
- 都留文科大生実態意識調査--自殺に対する意識との関連で
- 320 系列依存的体制化による体制化様式の固定(発達17,研究発表)
- 正導・誤導情報と出来事の情動性が事後情報効果に及ぼす影響