Effects of Form and Size of Geometric Figures on Visual Evoked Potentials
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The outlined geometric figures of two forms (an equilateral triangle and a circle) in four sizes (with a contour length of the figure: 3, 6, 12 and 24cm) were presented below a fixation point by a tachistoscope for ten subjects. The observation distance was 80cm. Transient VEPs were recorded monopolarly on the midline of the scalp. Subtracted waves were calculated between the geometric figure and controlled conditions. N1 (averaged peak latency: 140ms) and P2 (220ms) waves were identified. ANOVAs and the Tukey tests were conducted for the peak latency and amplitude values. Around the posterior (occipital) area, the triangle elicited significantly larger N1 and P2 amplitudes than the circle for any size conditions with the exception of the 3cm. The N1 and P2 amplitudes significantly increased as a function of size at the posterior area with the steeper increase for the triangle, while the P2 latency significantly decreased as a function of the size at the anterior area.
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