- 論文の詳細を見る
We have conducted psychophysiological studies on the fundamental visual phenomena for several years. In the present study following the reports by Ito (1986) and Ito, Kakishita, & Osaka (1985), influences of the difference of value in achromartic color patches between the figure and its background upon visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were examined with six subjects. Under the condition of constant achromatic value in the background field, a surface square figure which was different from the background in respect of value relations was successively presented with the tachistoscope. By the monopolar recording transient VEPs were obtained from Oz, Pz and Cz in the international 10-20 system in both positive and negative changes of the difference of value, and each of the corresponding waves was averaged. Then subtracted waves were calculated between the condition of the difference of value and the control condition (no difference of value). Four VEP components (P_1, N_1, P_2 and N_2) were identified. The main results were as follows: as the difference of value increased, peak latencies of P_1, N_1 and P_2 gradually shortend at Oz, Pz and Cz. Although the peak latency of N2 slightly shortend at Cz, it showed almost no change at the posterior position. As to the measure of peak-to-peak amplitude of each component, the value of P_1-N_1 almost did not change at all positions, but in each of N_1-P_2 and P_2-N_2 there were many subjects who showed slight increase of it. The relationships among the present results, those of our previous studies and those of the investigations done by other researchers were considered. In addition methodological problems on the present experiment and several other matters were discussed.
- 愛知学院大学の論文
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