モンゴル帝国期東トルキスタンの宗教 : 新疆イスラム教小史2
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After Islam was brought into the west area of the Eastern Turkistan (Xinjiang) by the Qara-Khan Dynasty in the 10th century, it took 500 years until the establishment of Islamization in the Eastern Turkistan when the Buddhism power was expelled from Hami (the east of Xinjiang) in 1513. At the beeginning of the 12th century, the Qara-Khan Dynasty was driven away from the eastern Central Asia by non-Islam Qara Khitay. From the beginning of the 13th century the eastern Central Asia was also under the rule of non-Islam power, the Mongol Empire. During the two hundred years, Islam lost its superior position in the central part of the Silk-Road. Islam confronted with the biggest crisis due to the prosperity of Buddhism and Nestorianism.The reason is that both Qara Khitay and the Mongol Empire executed a generous policy toward religions. Propagation of various religions was allowed to be held freely, resulting in the change of religioussituation in Xinjiang from separation between Islam and Buddhism into simultaneous coexistence of various religions. In the Turpan Basin of east Xinjiang, under the rule the Uyghur Kingdom(高昌回鶻王国Khocho Uyghur Kingdom), Buddhism reached its height of prosperity. The erecting of stone cave temples and the translation of the Buddhist scriptures to Uyghur language were carried out on a large-scale. In the south and west parts of Xinjiang, Islam was continuously the main religion though decline occurred to some extend. In north Xinjiang, Nestorianism was popular. The policy of treating all religions equally was maintained in the Mongol Empire. The Buddhist Uyghur people who developed an advanced culture and Muslims who demonstrated the ability in financial economy were promoted to be senior officials regardless of their religious belief, supporting the rule of the Mongol Emipre in such a way.
- 新疆におけるイスラム教の定着:東チャガタイ汗国 : 新疆イスラム教小史 3
- モンゴル帝国期東トルキスタンの宗教 : 新疆イスラム教小史2
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